Tuesday, September 25, 2007

short and sweet!

I don't have much time this evening, but I feel bad leaving you all without an update for last week! One cute story on each of them and then I'm calling it a day!

Today Carson was putting on a dolphin show for me. His arms were the dolphins and they were "kaplash"-ing all over the kitchen. He was carrying around a sand bucket (empty, of course) and giving his hands fish when they made big "kaplash"s. It was so cute!!

Delaney got new Winnie the Pooh toys last night and she spent the entire morning arranging them in her Little People house so that they could have a birthday party for Piglet. They had cake and had invited friends - it was quite the production!

Enjoy your week!

PS I would include a picture but I can't get the camera to come on and I'm just not in the mood to fight with it tonight!! Maybe I'll try again tomorrow :-)

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