Monday, September 3, 2007

Update addition

Wow - what a weekend!! Carson managed to get in a fight with a park bench - the park bench won - big time!!! I describe his injuries as looking like he got hit by a train, Matt describes it as looking like he took a right hook. I'll attach a picture that doesn't really do it justice, but looks too cute! This happened Sunday at about 5:30, we were in the ER until 11:35 - UGH!!! He slept on me once for about 10 minutes, before that we made lots of trips to the bathroom, water fountains (b/c he couldn't drink out of his cup), and outside to look at the dark (something he doesn't normally see b/c he's in bed!!). The doctor apologized a lot and said that unfortunately at his age there just wasn't much to do. It appears that he hit his chin on the metal part of the bench which caused his top two teeth to go almost through his lower lip. He also tore the flappy thing that hangs down on the top and has a nice gash there. His cheek hit the bench and has a wonderful purple and blue bruise on it. Seriously, the picture does no justice to the real injury. Today he has been a trooper!! He is drinking out of his sippy cup and eating anything and everything (even cheez its and tortilla chips).

Enjoy the little man's picture!!!

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