Sunday, August 3, 2008

It's August, really?!?

Where does time go? It seems like just yesterday that Matt and I got married and we just celebrated 8 wonderful years! It also seems like just days ago that we brought our precious little bundles home from the hospital and now we're gearing up for the start of preschool. All of this is scary and exciting at the same time.

We celebrated Matt's birthday in July. We bought him funny presents from the $ store (a snake b/c he hates them, those silly glasses with the nose and mustache on them, and a Suduko book...we had to throw in something useful!) and took him to dinner at Cheeseburger in Paradise. Delaney (and I) thought it would be fun to dress up for the occasion, so we straightened her hair and put on cute clothes!!

We were able to spend some time with our friends, the Billingtons, that live in Quebec. It is very fun for me to see Joel, their youngest, playing with my kids b/c they were some of our teen leaders when I was in high school. Joel is sandwiched right between our two age wise. It is also sad, in another "time flies" kind of way, to see their oldest, Sam, reading books with Delaney. I remember when he was little and we used to read to he's the big kid!!!

On Saturday morning we woke up and decided it would be fun to do something different. So, we put on play clothes and loaded into the car for a trip to Brownsburg. I had been to a really cool park there with our cousins and decided it would be fun to take Matt. So, we drove there, played for a few hours, had lunch at a little hole in the wall sub shop, and then headed home by way of a few stores. It was a fun morning! Delaney and I went shopping in the afternoon while the boys rested. What fun to be a girl!!

1 comment:

Kristy said...


Hey! I just found your blog thru facebook. It was fun reading about you and your family. Your kids are so adorable.

I know what you mean about time flying. We celebrated our 9 yr anniversary this year and have 3 kids. How did that happen? I feel like it was just yesterday. Time is a funny thing.

Glad I found you on here. I will definitely checking in often if thats ok. I started a blog in Nov and have really loved it. Its a fun way to keep in touch with people.

Take care!
Kristy (carderelli) :)