Saturday, August 30, 2008

May I brag?

Why, thank you for continuing to read...I thought I'd scare some of you off with my title. We are members at the Indianapolis Zoo and in the late summer they always have jazz nights where the zoo is open late for members and they feature a free event every week. We decided to take the kids on a night when the free feature was train rides. The kids always ask to ride and we always say no b/c it costs money. So, we rode the train!! YEAH!!
Am I bragging b/c we let our kids ride the train...well, no. I am bragging b/c I am so proud of Delaney. She started K4 a few weeks ago and she has grown leaps and bounds in that time...however, the growth has all been socially. She told my mom they don't learn anything in K4, and for her, bookwise, that might be accurate. She has been reading for over 6 months now and she is getting really good at it. While at the zoo she stood at this sign, totally determined to read every word on it. I, being the good mom that I am, never in a hurry, took the time to stand with her and use my best teacher skills to help her sound out the 3 words she couldn't get on her own.....I love seeing things through her eyes...she's amazing! Yes, she frustrates me to no end some days and she has horrible mean streaks where she is a beast to her brother. She is self centered and very impatient....wonder where she got those amazing qualities from. Apples do not fall far from their trees!!! But she is mine, a beautiful gift from God, and she is amazingly and wonderfully made!

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