Monday, April 2, 2007

What A Week!

Someone very wise once told me that "Behind each cloud is a silver lining." We found our silver lining this week!! Delaney was her true self again by Tuesday and Carson learned a very important lesson last week - how to stand up for himself. I think he was frustrated with the constant whining and the lack of attention he was getting because of her demanding so much of us. So, he learned to be more assertive (good and bad altogether). With his new found attitude has come some new found discipline that he, like all of us, is not too fond of. He looks at you with this horrible "I can't believe you just said that to me, and in that tone" look and then says "Tuddle" while throwing himself into your lap. I think that is his way of apologizing. There is no way to capture his adorable way of speaking, email doesn't do it justice.

Wednesday morning at breakfast there was the most beautiful cardinal on our deck and Carson looked out the door and said "wooster." I told him it was a red bird, but now, if we talk about it, he still calls it a "wooster" and Delaney corrects him and says, "It was a red bird." We wish you could hear her saying it in her "correcting him" tone.

Steak & Shake before the showThursday evening was the highlight of the whole week. We surprised the kids when they woke up from their nap by changing their clothes into their Elmo shirts and loading them into the van. We took them to Steak N Shake - a big treat. Then, we drove downtown to the Murat to see Sesame Street Live!!! It was so much fun to see the excitement in their eyes as the characters came onto the stage and began singing. It was better thanCarson at Sesame Street watching them open presents!!! I will attach pictures of our evening so you can get a glimpse of the joy - we have about 30 pictures, but I thought you all would be angry if I attached that many - some of you would never be able to open another email.

Today they talked about Big Bird and Grover a lot. Carson also talked about going to Pampy's house and watching "Baby Eintein" - that happened over a month ago!!! We can't figure out what has made him obsess about this, but it is adorable. He tells strangers about it :-)

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!
Gretchen, etc....

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