Monday, March 26, 2007

March 23

This week's update isn't very exciting, as we haven't had a very exciting week. Delaney started getting sick Monday. She had a fever Monday evening and didn't sleep well that night, so we made a trip to the doctor on Tuesday. The doctor did a thorough exam (including a strep test) and told us it was viral and we'd just have to wait for it to run it's course. Tuesday night wasn't any better in the sleep department. By Wednesday afternoon I thought she was on the upswing, so we made plans to leave the house on Thursday. She slept great Wednesday night, so we went to the mall on Thursday. By the time we'd been there for an hour, I knew I'd made a bad choice. She went from whimpering to whining to full blown fit. We left soon after and came home where she quickly fell asleep. Our morning was pretty rough, but she was home with Matt tonight and he said she was an angel - we'll see if it lasts!

Carson learned a new phrase this week. Unfortunately he uses it a lot - "Mommy, stop talking." He has even learned to take a hold of my chin and turn my head so I am looking at him - do you think he has that done to him too often??? He also has mastered the sly "I'm not looking at you" look....he's so cute when he does it!

That's our excitement for the week - I hope next week is full of good stories for us!!


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