Saturday, March 17, 2007

Weekly Update, March 16

We took advantage of the beautiful weather on Tuesday and headed to the zoo. It was so nice outside and the kids were so excited to not be in the house anymore (I was too). They played outside Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. Now, however, it is cold again - LOVE Indiana weather!

Carson has learned a new phrase, "Super Duper Hot." Something on his plate was too hot to eat the other night, so all through dinner everything was "Super Duper Hot." He also learned a lesson about gravity. He was helping Delaney clean up puzzles in her room and when he was finished he was so proud of himself that he lifted it up over his head (saying "Yeah") to show us he had finished. As it went up over his head, all of the pieces rained down on him. He looked thoroughly annoyed and said "Ooops." Then, he sat back down and did it again, without complaining - he definitely is the laid back on of the group.

Delaney and I started "school" this week. Every afternoon when Carson lays down for his nap we spend 15 to 20 minutes "doing school" at the kitchen table. I bought a Pre Kindergarten workbook at a book fair we attended at the Children's Museum. She is having a blast with it! We have done one workbook page every day (see attachment) and we have read a Level 1 reading book. She has learned how to spell her name. She can't write it, but she can tell me what order the letters go in. She can also type it on the computer. On Thursday we were stopped at a stoplight and she said, "Mommy, what does S-P-E-E-D-W-A-Y spell?" I thought that was pretty adorable.

Matt enjoyed a day with his dad, Shannon, and Meemo on Thursday. Today he had an inservice on deescalation techniques - something he'll probably never use (at least not on the job, but possibly with our kids), but they were sure he needed to know it, so he had a rather short "sitting at his desk" work week!

I went to a jewelry open house at my friend's in Franklin. I bought a really pretty silver heart necklace and won a bracelet - YEAH!! Today I signed up for a cake decorating class. I am sooo excited to start it (April 3). Hopefully I'll learn enough to do the kids birthday cakes - we'll see.

Have a great weekend - and keep warm!!

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