Saturday, April 28, 2007

slacker, slacker

Okay, for any of you who have prepared to spend more than 10 hours in the car with your kids, you can totally understand why this is a day late. I have been hitting dollar stores and libraries for new and exciting things to see and do. With that said, I apologize for the delay. We are gearing up for a trip to Pennsylvania to visit the "Great Grandparents Grossman." We are almost ready - yeah right!! Anyone who knows me well knows that I perform best under pressure, so, I packed the kids clothes this afternoon and haven't touched a thing of my own yet. As for snacks, they are all bought, and toys, they are divided out in my head, but none of them are packed either. That is for tonight after the kids finally crash (they are taking a bath right now). We will be leaving bright and early (hopefully by 5am) on Monday morning, but tomorrow is full with church, lunch, and then I have new mom's Bible study from 5 to 8pm. Stressed?!? Maybe a little. Excited?!? Very much so.

This week Delaney amazed us with her "growing up" skills. After dinner one night Matt was washing the dishes and I was cleaning off the table. They were both playing in their rooms and it got oddly quiet. I went back to Car's room to check on them and Delaney was "changing" his poopy pants. Only issue was she couldn't reach the wipes or the diapers, so, she had just taken the poopy pants off and then was "talking" him through the process. Cute?!? There wasn't poop all over his room, so it was cute. Had they both been covered, it would have been a different story.

While we were at the store this week getting vacation essentials, Delaney picked out new "big girl" toothpaste for herself. She picked it out by saying "That toothpaste has princesses on it. I am a princess. We should get that for me." Well, okay :-)

Hopefully next week I'll steal some time at the computer and get this out on time - but don't hold your breath.


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