Monday, October 29, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Good morning! They say when it rains, it pours, and this house is no exception to that "rule." Carson was up and running full force by Saturday evening. We had dinner with family on Sunday evening and then a lazy "catch-up" from the weekend Monday.

We were supposed to go to the pumpkin patch on Tuesday, but it rained and rained and my MOPS groups decided that 40 preschoolers in a mud puddle was NOT a good idea. We postponed to this Tuesday - hopefully it won't be wet AND cold!

Carson and I got to pick Seth up from daycare Tuesday evening. He stayed for dinner. The kids had so much fun together. I love that they are finally at an age where they can "play together" and interact a lot.

Wednesday was the day the rain started in our house. Delaney woke up around 7:45 (nothing unusual yet) and said she was cold. It was kind of chilly, so I told her we'd wrap up in a blanket and she'd be fine. We sat on the couch till Carson got up and then I fixed some breakfast. About 2 minutes into breakfast she said she was going to go get her blanket because she was cold. She got down from the table and disappeared into her room for a few minutes. When I went back to check on her she was snuggled up under her blankets totally asleep. I scared her b/c I thought she was pretending so I touched her back to see if she was okay and she jumped. She slept until 11:15 - anyone who knows Delaney knows I usually have to hold her in bed to get her to go to sleep, so I knew something was wrong. She picked at lunch and then went back to bed about 1 and didn't get up till almost 4. BLUCK!!! All I could think was "here we go again." Carson and I went to church Wednesday evening and when we got home Delaney was herself - bouncing all over the house asking how church was and the house smelled oddly like popcorn!!! Guess she was feeling better.

Thursday she got up like normal, we went to dance, then Wal-Mart, then McDonalds. We had soooo much fun at McDonalds. They were both in great moods and they talked about everything and ate like big kids! It was such a great mommy/kiddo time!!!

Friday we went to the library. Delaney was fading fast during the morning. She took a long nap in the afternoon and we assumed she was fine - just still feeling yuck from Wednesday and being so busy on Thursday. However, right before dinner she said, "I'm not hungry, do I have to eat?" While we were finishing getting it on the table, she said, "I'm going to puke." And, that she did!!! Luckily she made it to the bathroom - one up on Carson!!! She was pretty whiny and laid around all evening, but she did seem better once she had just gotten it all out.

Saturday we were lazy in the morning. Matt and I had a date in the evening. We went to this great bar and grill (Hal's Fabulous Vegas) and then drove downtown to have hot chocolate. It was such a nice escape. We also bought the paint for the kitchen - maybe it will be done before Christmas!!!

Last night we went to Chinese with Shannon, Aaron, Teri, and Jeff - Delaney ate enough "noodles/spaghetti" for a few kids!!! Guess she's feeling better.

A few funny stories from the week: One night after baths Delaney asked if she could go get a drink of water from the kitchen. Matt told her to get her drink and come straight back. She walked down the hall a few steps, then turned around and said, "I can't come straight back, I'm going to have to turn." HA!!! Hope you all enjoy her self portrait - I was so proud of her - I am sure Matt thought I was a huge dork, but oh well!!! She also has really taken to making words with her letter blocks and cards. She started with cat, bat, rat, and then was doing dance and prance by the end of it - even Matt was impressed with that!!!!

Carson uttered the phrase, "I am not going to listen to this" talking about Delaney's whining A LOT this week!! It was pretty cute. We enjoyed a wonderful Wednesday together while Delaney slept. He was quite the character!!!

Happy Halloween!!!

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