Monday, June 2, 2008

My BIG kids!

This past weekend was a big weekend for both Delaney and Carson. We'll start with Car b/c he so often gets to be second! He has been working very hard on potty training and his chart was a SLOW success....seriously, you can look back through this blog and see that we started a (what we thought would be) 30 day chart in February and he just finished it last week!!! WOW!!! But, I can now say that he is my big "unders" wearing boy! He wore them to church yesterday, which is a big deal b/c we haven't been going to this church very long, so I don't know how much they pay attention to requests/instructions, but he came out in the same pants we dropped him off in, so they must have asked him a few times or he must have gone on his own. All of that to say ~ the last reward on his chart was a big boy bed (the same bed Matt slept in when he was 3). It was delivered last week and Matt put it up Friday. We left the crib in the room so he could go back to it if he wanted to, but Matt took it down yesterday b/c Carson claims he is a big boy and doesn't need that baby bed anymore.

On to Delaney....this weekend was her rehearsal for her recital (which is Saturday at Franklin Central HS at 1pm). She did a good job, but 2 hours is a LONG time for an almost 4 year old that really isn't that interested in dancing! She was a mess by 2:40 (I so badly wanted to leave, but knew I needed to prove to her that we had to stick it out till the end). I think she will just stand there and look cute on Saturday, but I don't care. It's been a good experience for all of us....I learned I am just not one of those dance moms and she learned she doesn't so much care for ballet...she needs a little more activity....maybe we'll try gymnastics!


Anonymous said...

Love the new pictures at the top !

Jill said...

Ah, baby bed gone. Was that hard for you??