Sunday, May 25, 2008


I decided that this weekend we were going to tackle some of those projects on the "to do" list. So far we haven't done too shabby.Friday we stayed in our pajamas until almost lunchtime. It was the first day since I took the after school care job that we didn't have anywhere to be all day, so we took advantage of it. We made banana chocolate chip muffins when the kids first woke up. Then we watched a movie from the library in our pajamas while we ate our muffins (in the chair!!). Then, we got dressed, went to Walmart to buy the supplies for another project and went out for lunch....we deserved it!

Our next project (okay, the first one that involved any kind of productivity) was to organize the kid's computer table. It had a random collection of papers, markers, crayons, scissors, and glue all over it. It was really starting to bother me that nothing had it's own home. So, we made homes for all of it. Delaney and I worked very hard Saturday afternoon cutting, taping, labeling, and organizing everything. It looks so much better and is so kid friendly now.

Our project today was to finally plant the garden. I went to a wonderful nursery yesterday to pick our plants (zucchini, yellow squash, cucumbers, green and red bell peppers, banana peppers). So, today we got them all in the ground. We think it looks pretty good for first timers! We'll see what happens....


Pokey said...

I can't believe you neglected to tell where Carson and I were while you covered the things for the computer table...napping in the living room. He's so spoiled! (or am I the spoiled one?)

Cara said...

The boxes and organization are lovely! But if the boys were sleeping I'm surprised the boxes are not pink and purple princesses, rather than gender neutral. It would certainly teach them to stay awake!