Tuesday, June 17, 2008

From the eyes of Delaney

I mentioned in my last post that the kids received digital cameras for their birthdays. Delaney is really into hers and getting pretty good at it. We went for a walk yesterday and she had to take her camera with her. Here are some of the images she captured.


Cara said...

Awesome pictures Delaney! I especially love all the clouds with the truck. Great job!

Jill said...

You've got yourself a little photographer, I'd say! Good job, Delaney!

Anonymous said...

Wow, those are some pretty amazing photos! I recently found some pictures I had taken with my first camera (and I'm sure I was much older than Delaney) and they were mostly blurry shots of random cats. So way to go, Delaney!

Anonymous said...

grandma teri says
great job kiddo~~ they look great and i am glad that you are enjoying your gift!!!!