Saturday, May 19, 2007

What a week!! Delaney has decided that right before her third birthday, she should go back into the terrible twos. I think it is just to remind us how blessed we were for a while to have two children who behaved most of the time. This week has been pretty stressful. I've raised my voice some and even brought out the spanking stick....yikes!!

We have done some fun things this week though. Today we went to the Zoo. We took Grammy to see the butterflies, she'd never seen them before. They were beautiful, although I think just my mom and I thought so. The kids were ready for the dolphins after about 5 minutes of the butterflies. I did manage to get one into the elevator with us, but it escaped before the door closed - lucky us!! I can imagine that the kids would have freaked out being in such close proximity to it and not being able to escape from it.

Yesterday Aunt Shannon came over to visit and the kids showed off for her for a while. Delaney has a song and dance routine which Shannon found hilarious, so Delaney kept doing it. And Carson kept singing the Sesame Street theme song - over and over and over!! We finally started suggesting other songs hoping he'd get side tracked, but they all seemed to lead back to "Sunny days....."

On Wednesday morning I had a meeting at church, so Delaney and Carson got to play in the classroom that Delaney is in now. Carson will be moving into that room in June and Delaney will be moving out, so she took him around and showed him where the toys were and the sticker charts....I think he's ready now!!

I tried to get Matt to type his own news, but he wouldn't so I will tell you all that he got a call yesterday to go for a second interview on Tuesday (4 days from now) at 3:45. He didn't realize that a second interview was part of the process, so I think the stress level is a little higher this time - FUN for those of us living with him!!!

Have a wonderful weekend! I hope everyone's weather is as beautiful as ours!!!

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