Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Late, Again

Hello all!! I have no excuse for not sending this out on time, except that I decided to take the entire Mother's Day weekend as a holiday for myself. Friday evening I helped my mom with the Mother Daughter banquet at our church. Saturday we went to garage sales (great ones, sorry Jill) and to a nursery (flowers, no babies) in the morning and then to the mall in the evening. On Sunday, we went to church and then all of my family went out to dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory downtown. Very fun weekend!!!

Last week was a lazy get back into the swing of things kind of week. We did laundry all day Monday, we grocery shopped (with Grammy b/c I still can't do the big trips alone) on Tuesday, and on Wednesday we cleaned around here and made dinner for a friend of mine who had surgery. It was her son's 4th birthday, so we made him some yummy chocolate chip cookie treats. Delaney chose to ice them with purple (which we made) and then Carson chose the green sugar crystals to roll them in. I might have had to sample one just for quality assurance - yummy!!

By Thursday I decided we were all ready for some excitement, so when the kids asked to go to the Children's Museum, I jumped on the chance to be away from the house for a while. We toured the trains, dinosaurs, pretties (glass sculpture), and carousel (which Carson was petrified of this visit) before eating lunch and going home for naps. It was a very fun morning!

While we were at the nursery on Saturday morning, Delaney decided she wanted to grow tomatoes. The lady working was VERY helpful in getting us started. The plant has been named Goliath (it will actually yield Goliath tomatoes, or so they tell me). She is excited to be growing Bobs (Veggietales - www.bigidea.com). So, hopefully, we'll actually see a tomato or two before it's over. I think it has grown already :-) We also noticed today while we were playing outside that we had about 20 to 30 green strawberries. Very exciting b/c for the past 2 years they have been VERY neglected!!

We'll keep you all posted on the tomatoes, hopefully they'll grow faster than I get that kitchen makeover completed!! Summer project, Jill?!?


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