Saturday, September 19, 2009

From a summer that seems long ago....

Wow, what a slacker I am! Did you even know we had a summer? What fun we much I never made it to this computer to sit down and write these updates. However, now I must do so before we leave for Disney and we come home and you think we've been living there for the last few months.
Our favorite summer tradition is Regatta ~ the boat races in Madison, Indiana. We make a long weekend of it and thoroughly enjoy the traditions Matt grew up loving ~ the Friday night parade, Saturday daytime eating JUNK food, Saturday night fireworks, and the Sunday boat races. Our kids have grown to love Regatta and everything it stands for ~ loud boats, junk food, no bedtimes, and FAMILY!!

He's adorable, but TERRIBLY frightened by loud noises, fire trucks at the parade included! We missed the fireworks this year b/c he refused to go. I didn't mind, I also knew he was exhausted. It had been rainy all day, I was finally dry and warm, so we snuggled up on the couch, watched fireworks on the TV, and he snoozed. I, personally, loved every minute of it much more than any fireworks display I've ever seen!!!
During the parade we saw the boat we were cheering for...mmmm....beef jerky!!
Just a little example of some of that junk food we ate....although this shaved ice was probably the healthiest thing consumed all weekend. Isn't she the prettiest thing you've seen lately??
And....the boat races. It's a tradition I hope we continue for a long time. It's tiring and usually hot (although this year it was rainy), but the memories are well worth the annoyances.

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