Monday, March 30, 2009

Puzzle man!

If you meet my handsome son for the first time, I can almost guarantee that within 10 minutes he will tell you what an "excellent puzzle do-er" he is. I am going to have to agree with him. The workers at church know that a puzzle will distract him on a "missing momma" day. Delaney's teacher knows they will keep him occupied while I help other kids in the class with reading. I know that a puzzle will entertain when I need a few minutes.
And, as you can see, sometimes I need a lot of minutes :-)

When doing puzzles on the kitchen floor has lost its challenge, he resorts to trying to do them on the wall. This was unsuccessful, but he did have fun trying!!

1 comment:

Pokey said...

as a side note...Carson and I were successful in completing puzzle on the wall.