Sunday, January 25, 2009

The hilariousness of life!

Okay, my stories have nothing to do with my pictures, but I couldn't pass up these pictures and I couldn't pass up the stories.

Carson is a big boy and Delaney is a tiny girl, but I always refer to Car as my puppy b/c he has HUGE feet and hands and I say that someday he'll grow into them like puppies grow into their big clumsy paws. Well, Delaney is a true techie like her daddy, so a few weeks ago she was exploring their computer, which used to be our old one, and she found pictures of Car when he was first born. He was sitting with her at the computer and it totally cracked me up to hear her explaining to him, "This is in the hospital, that's mommy, that's you, and those are your dog legs." Puppy feet, dog legs...she had the right idea!!!

Looking at the pictures a few days later I heard her yelling at them trying to get people's attention....they're pictures babe!!

Carson loves to get up early in the morning and snuggle. I used to get away with watching the news, but lately Car protests and I can't say that I blame him...there's lots of yucky stuff on there that I don't so much want him to see anyway. So, now, we usually watch cool kid shows like Monkey George (Curious George) or Sid the Science Kid. Well, one day my sister called and told me to turn on the news to see someone she went to high school with. When I turned it on, Car said, "Is this the stinky news or the smell good news?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you updated again. Loved the stories. So I was hoping to hear how you hurt yourself by standing on an exercise ball..what no pictures of the landing? Those would be worth some $$$!!! I have tried to figure out why you might need to stand on a ball so at somepoint fill us in on this little venture! stay warm and inside =)