Our church hosted a Fall Fun Fest. This is our first fall at the church and WOW ~ this event was much more elaborate than I thought it would be.
There was face painting ~ a fire truck putting out a fire for Car and a glittery dolphin for Laney
Laney rode a pony when she went to the pumpkin patch with Aunt Shannon and Uncle Aaron, so she was totally an old pro at this!!
Laugh if you must, but this picture brings tears to my eyes! There was a cake walk game (a circle of numbers on the floor, you walk around them until the music stops, they pick a number from a hat and the person standing on that number wins). Carson played this game for over 10 minutes trying to have his number called. The ladies running the game offered him candy twice if he wanted to quit, but he was determined to win...I think this picture says so much ~ the hands, the face ~ I felt so bad for him, yet I admired his "stick with it" attitude. He's such an example to me sometimes!!!
And, of course, before we could leave, there had to be a football toss!! Look at that arm :-)