Tuesday, August 28, 2007

dillard discoveries, take 2

Okay, I am going at this with some dedication now. I have heard from 3 people this week about how much they enjoy and appreciate getting these updates, so I am going to try to be more faithful to you all :-)

This week was another fun one - full of new discoveries. Matt and I had the opportunity to use Kevin's tickets and go to the Colts preseason game on Monday night - that was FUN! We rarely get to do fun date like things, so that was exciting. The game was good even though they lost - it's preseason, who cares if they lose!!!

Wednesday we took a trip to the Children's Museum with 2 of my friends and their kids. We had the most enjoyable time. All of our kids (6 of them) were born from February of 03 to September of 05 so they are so close that they all enjoy doing the same things. We only went to a few places during the morning because they were so into the things they were doing, looking at, and playing with that there was no need for us to move on (see picture from the dinosaurs). We enjoyed a great lunch with tons of socializing and then we rode the carousel before going home. Delaney wanted to ride with Miss Codi (my friend who teaches Delaney's class at church on Wednesday nights, so she is super cool in Delaney's eyes). Delaney got to go on an animal that goes up and down for the first time. Carson and I stuck to the stationary giraffe - he's not a fan of the carousel in general, so I thought that the movement up and down on top of the movement in a circle would probably send him over the edge :-)

Friday was my dad's birthday, so we made a special cake for him out of swiss cake rolls, pudding, and cool whip. The kids had so much fun "helping" make it! They were so good at taking turns (and adorable with chocolate pudding on their lips - see picture). We also went to the mall to get Delaney's ballet shoes - fun!!! We stopped to play at the playland for a while and Delaney became a social butterfly introducing herself to all of the other little girls playing and asking what their names were - it seemed very grown up.

Friday night Delaney spent the night with Grammy and Grampy (what a birthday present, sorry dad!!!) From the stories I have heard they had a lot of fun and stayed up very late. Delaney got up early Saturday and didn't really care that we weren't there. Matt couldn't stand it anymore and finally called over there about 11 o'clock Saturday morning to check on her. She was doing fine and didn't so much care that he had called. However, we did get her back around lunchtime and she seemed excited to see Carson - so much for the parents, we're over rated anyway!

Saturday night we went to the mall and to Applebee's for dinner (me, the coupon queen, saved us $19 on dinner - thank you great waitress that let me use 4 coupons!!!).

When the kids wake up from their nap today we are taking them to see Delaney's "dance school." They are having an open house this afternoon and I thought it would be a good idea if she saw her classroom and teacher before she starts (Sept 6).

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