Thursday, May 21, 2009

Picking up where I left off....(Part 2)

So, as I stated before, our house was sold, and the truth that we are possibly homeless was sinking in. Our realtor emailed us a list of 13 houses to check out. We also searched (separately) and came up with a combined list of 22 houses we wanted to explore. Matt and I took a Friday night to compile a list (based on internet information only) of our top 5. We called our realtor Saturday morning to give him the list and were in those houses on Saturday afternoon. We walked into the first house and we both said, before getting out of the first room, "We are done." Here is why:

However, both the realtor and Matt suggested we look at the other 4 houses just to be sure. We went through the rest and each had their high points and low points. By the end of the day, we were pretty sure we knew what we wanted. We went back through the house on Monday evening and wrote an offer. During the next few days there were a few counter offers going back and forth and we came to an agreement. Now, the only hurdle left was the dreaded inspection on a house built in 1930. That inspection occured last Friday. It was everything we expected ~ 11 fairly major things wrong. We asked the buyer to fix 9 of those things. He agreed to fix 1 of them and to give us an "allowance" to fix the rest, we are guessing this is b/c he has already relocated to Florida and didn't want the headache of scheduling all of it from down there. After negotiating the amount of the allowance we are now happy to say that we believe the last hurdle has been jumped, however, we've been warned to not breath too deep until the appraisal comes back.

We took the kids to the inspection to see their new house. This is them outside of's really very spacious and I think they will both fit just fine :-) Kidding, that's not the actual has an adorable little playhouse that with some TLC is going to be SO cute!!! I can't wait to put on old clothes and have them help me paint it both inside and out!!! Delaney has decided it needs some flowers on the front porch (that's my girl!!). This will be their "project" at the new house and I can't wait to see what they do with it.
The appraisal was done yesterday afternoon, so now it is the waiting game to see if every i has been dotted and t has been crossed before our hopeful June 5th closing.


Jill said...

very nice, Gretchen. I can see why you chose this house!! I can't wait to see the rest!!

Lynette said...

Very cute - congratulations on finding just the right one! : )