Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Odds and Ends

Okay, first of all, nothing in this post really goes together.

This is what I walked into the other day when the kids said they were going to go to Carson's room to play with some odds and ends. Our children are "honored" enough to live with two control freakish parents that like things in their place, so each bin has an assigned toy or group of toys that go in it. Well, one of them in Carson's room has the "odds and ends" in it, like McDonald's toys, seasonal items, and other toys with no partners....isn't that HILARIOUS!!! Delaney is participating in Book It in school. She is required to read 10 minutes everyday that she has school and earns a Pizza Hut certificate at the end of March and April. We decided to expand on it a little and told her that she had to read for 10 minutes every day. She has filled out more than her fair share of crayons (they are paper and they have to write the title of the book on it) during the last month. She has taken in so many that with the last batch her teacher actually said, "More crayons from Delaney, I'm shocked" in a very sweet, sarcastic voice. It was pretty cute!! This week is her spring break, so she ran out of crayons to write her book titles on on Saturday, so she just has piles of books that are waiting to be logged!!!
The next two stories have no pictures, although they could. One would be inappropriate and the other wasn't snapped that night, so it has lost it's look by now.
First, we have started making the kids wash themselves off on nights that they don't take a bath, I know, they probably should have learned this skill a while ago, but they are my babies!! Well, Carson will sit on his Cars stool in the bathroom washing his feet with his washcloth giggling for the LONGEST time...actually he'd probably sit there until he fell asleep, but we have to encourage him to stop, put on his pajamas, and get into bed.
Second, Carson fell on the bricks in our front yard last week and he scratched up his knee and hand, requiring a Batman bandaid on the hand. Later that night when I was putting Delaney to bed she said, "Boy, Car sure does have a clam dragon nail scrape." I commented that is was pretty yucky looking. Her response, "I'm so glad that's not on his face, ewww." Maybe my girl doesn't dig scars!!!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

good stories! the scar story reminded me of something Jack said when he was 4 and had chicken pox. I told him not to pick, epecially on his face, or he'd have scars. "I want a scar," he said. "They're cool."