Saturday, September 20, 2008

Grandparents Day

We decided to surprise all of the grandparents with pictures of our gorgeous children (you know, the ones that are fighting behind me ~ screaming and slapping involved, thank you very much!). We tried somewhere new and it was great (Portrait Innovations)! Hopefully we'll be going back for Christmas cards too. Included are just a few of my favorites out of the 88 taken.


Anonymous said...

We have gone there 2 times- great experiences! I thought these were actual beach pictures- surprising because usually you can tell fake backgrounds- pretty realistic!!! Oh and your vacation story was great. Looks like you guys had so much fun. I am excited to go in October, but part of the fun of vacation is knowing it is coming! loved the part of them fighting and slapping behind you - that made me feel at home!

Lynette said...

Those pictures are just too cute! That's why we love professional photos... they look so loving and sweet toward each other! It'll be easy to block out the fighting and screaming in 20 yrs when you flip through your old pics! : )