Friday, February 1, 2008

A Long Overdue Update

Hello friends and family! I hope that 2008 is off to a great start in all of your lives and homes. We are having a blast and keeping too busy to sit still and do these updates as often as I'd like to!

Carson on the Monkey George slideWe went to the Children's Museum 3 times in 10 days! I took them with some friends from church, then we went with our friends from MOPS and then.....I feel like there should be a drum roll here.....the Monkey George (that would be Curious George to those of you who don't spend enough time with Car) exhibit opened!! Matt took a half day from work and we went to check it out on the member preview day....that was the only exhibit we visited and we had a lot of fun! We had gone to the exhibit when we were in Chicago with Matt's grandparents, so the kids were excited to see some of the things they had played with there in our museum (especially the payer - Delaney's term for cash register and the person running it).

Matt and I had a crazy idea and decided to take the kids to see the new Veggie Tales movie in the theatre. The movie was excellent and the kids were wonderful! We went all out and bought popcorn to consume during the movie - it was gone by the time the previews were over! There were a few "scary" parts, according to Carson and Delaney, but it all worked out okay, so they were happy. They have requested that they get to see more movies like that - we'll have to see about that one :-) If you haven't seen it (which I'm guessing most of you haven't), there are talking cheese curls in the movie, so now every time we have cheesy poufs (is that how you spell it, Matt?) Carson bites a mouth into his and then they converse with each other for the rest of the meal - it's pretty cute!!

The past week or so we've been battling some kind of flu bug. Car came down with it last Wednesday and Delaney came down with it yesterday (sorry to everyone we've been around during the last week). Delaney had a dentist appt and a dermatologist appt last Wednesday, so Matt stayed home with Car and Laney and I had a girls morning - it was so much fun! We had about 45 minutes to kill between the appts, so we went to the mall and had a snack. She got the giggles b/c I dropped the lid to our icing on the floor and we laughed about it for a while - we very rarely spend time together without Car, so it was a nice change of pace - she didn't have to compete for the attention for once.

Tomorrow Delaney and I are going to visit GCA (the school I used to teach at) to see about enrolling her in K4 next year. I am going to see what they are doing at this point in the school year and see if it might be worth it to send her. I think she'd love the social aspect, but I worry that it won't be challenging enough, I mean, come one, she's my firstborn and she's a girl - she is a genius!!!

Have a great rest of January - stay warm (unless you live in California - then I hope, by some freak of nature, it snows horribly on you)!!


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