Saturday, December 22, 2007

Merry Christmas to All...

Wow, what a weekend.....and it's not over yet! For those of you who have been involved in this weekend, you will agree that it has been quite the whirlwind. Let me recap for you all.

Thursday started our weekend (Matt was off work on Friday - yeah!!). We went to dinner with Matt's co-workers for their Christmas party at 5pm. We hustled out of there a few minutes before 6pm to take the kids to Christmas at the Zoo.
They had NO idea this was what we were doing and even upon arriving, they had no idea that Grammy, Grampy, Aunt Cara, Uncle Dave, and Sethers were inside waiting for us. They had SO much fun! Carson acted like a scaredy cat all night long, but we are attributing that to the fact that it was dark outside. The lights were beautiful and they got to ride the carousel and train (thanks Dave and Grammy!!!).

Friday was a day of anticipation. The kids were looking forward to spending the night with Grammy and Grampy (and drinking chocolate milk) and Matt and I were stressing over our plans for the evening. If you've ever seen While You Were Out on TLC, that is what we were doing. The kids were going to Grammy and Grampy's house, Uncle Aaron and Aunt Shannon were coming over and there was going to be a TOTAL overhaul on their bedrooms while they were away. This whole process started a few weeks ago when Matt went to stay at his dad's for the weekend and the two of them built Delaney a big girl bed (twin size). The bed was left in his father's care for painting and Eunice did some decorating on the footboard for princess Delaney. Aaron and Matt left when we put the kids down for a nap to go get the bed from Hanover. My mom and dad picked up the kids around 5:30 and Shannon and I worked like mad women to get the rooms cleared out. We had the wall paper stripped before dinner and had primed Laney's room and put a coat of paint on each room by midnight. We stopped for a Starbucks run and then put another coat of paint on each. So far - it was going MUCH better than the kitchen fiasco!!!!! Shannon and Aaron left for home around 3am and we cleaned up the painting messes and fell into bed exhausted.

Matt and I woke up a little after 7 and started again....the rooms looked GREAT and we were ready to reload them with all the new stuff - Merry Christmas Laney and Carson!! See the attached photos to view each room.
Carson's favorite thing was his new pillow. He's never slept with a pillow before, so he was in awe of it!!! Laney loves her big girl bed. She refused to nap this afternoon (yes, the kids came home around 2pm.....whirlwind weekend) because she had to go through all of her stuff to be sure it was still there. She only requested 2 of the items I'd tried to get rid of....not too bad!!

They are both sleeping like little angels in their new rooms right, to all a good night!!

Gretchen and Matt

PS Santa came to visit our house Tuesday night. He put a little fear in Laney and some awe and wonder in Carson.....they are very excited for him to leave more presents while they are sleeping - so excited they ask every morning if he came during the night :-)

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