Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello! Happy Thanksgiving a few days late! We've had a busy week and I'd like to recap it with some pictures! I apologize to those of you that have a slow connection, b/c these pictures will take decades to load - sorry!!!

The kitchen is almost finished, so pictures of that will be coming at the end of the week (if Matt and Kevin are as productive tomorrow afternoon as I hope they are - I love you boys!!!!)

We took the kids to the Christmas tree lighting Friday evening. It was Delaney's second time to go and she remembered EVERYTHING about last year!! Carson was in awe of the crowd and the noise! They had a ton of fun - even though Delaney had to sit on my shoulders and I am sooo much shorter than Daddy that she couldn't see anything - whine - Santa didn't look at her - whine - the fireworks were behind buildings b/c we were on the WRONG side of the street - whine!!! I am sure you can hear the dramatic whine coming from her :-) We ended the evening with the kids first trip to Starbucks - how fun is that?!? They had a blast and so did we! I think that whole evening will definitely be a kicking off the Christmas season tradition in this house.

We were able to spend time with lots of family during the past week or so. We had Thanksgiving pizza and breadsticks at Shannon and Aaron's house last Sunday with Matt's dad's side of the family. Thursday we went to Cara and Dave's for the traditional fare (see pictures of cousins playing), and Saturday we went to Teri and Jeff's for dinner and - well, you'll have to look at the picture to see what the kids (Shannon, Delaney, and Carson) created!!

We are thankful for each of you!!

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