Wednesday, October 22, 2008

We love trash day....

Carson has always had an obsession with the trashmen, I can't say I blame him, I remember watching them collect my trash from an early age. We stand outside in our jammies and watch them get our trash. We have our "normal" guys and then the "mean" guys ~ the ones that throw our trash can around! Our normal guys have come to appreciate our cheerleading style of watching them. They begin to honk the horn 5 houses down and wave the entire time, kind of like it's a parade.

One of our "normal" guys has gone out of his way to develop a "friendship" with Carson. He brings the trashcans up to the garage and is always waving bye from 5 houses down. Well, a few weeks ago he brought the trashcans up to the garage and gave both of the kids $1. We decided to use the money to buy chocolate chips and make them cookies. We had a great Tuesday making cookies and cards for them. As you can guess, the next day was the "mean" crew. I put the cookies in the freezer, explained 15 times why we didn't give them to the other guys, and we waited....for an entire week, only to miss the trashmen b/c we had to take Delaney to school. At that point, we had to eat the cookies to heal our broken hearts!! I was left with some cute cards too b/c they said, "Injoy your cookies."

Game time

The competitive spirit runs thick in the Dillard genes (and possibly in their spouses too). Shannon and Aaron came over for a visit when we returned from FL and the visit turned into a Don't Break the Ice competition...notice who has the it the child that the game belongs to? NO, it's the adult does that happen?